My dear friends and partners in Christ Jesus,
Acts 13: 36 says ‘’ For when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation,he fell asleep….
Let us take a closer look on the above Verse.It says that after serving the Purpose of God in his own generation,he fell asleep. David served the purpose of God and he died.God had a purpose for david and it was for that generation. David fulfilled that purpose of God and died. For the past times and centuries,God raised many people for His purpose to be fulfilled in those times. But Today,in this generation,only you can fulfill the purpose of God!
God has chosen you in this generation for a purpose and He needs you to fulfill that purpose.If God wanted you to fulfill a purpose in the 18th century,He would have let you born then.But the reason God has placed you in this generation is that He has a purpose to be fulfilled through you in this generation.
Purpose is the key for everything and everyone.Without purpose life is futile and is aimlessly spending our time in vain. Purpose drives passion in us and propels us through all situations to achieve the dream.Let me portrait a small picture which will help you to understand this more.
Imagine a typical football match progressing with tens of thousands watching in the stadium, millions watching live via television broadcast, teams running after the football but without goalposts on either side.They will be without a purpose which will be a waste of time,money and energy.That is what happens when we are without a purpose in our life.
God has destined a purpose for each and everyone of us.If we do not press on in the power of the Holy Spirit for its fulfillment, then we ourselves are the ultimate losers. If we don’t yield for God’s purpose to be fulfilled through us,God is able to raise up another person for that purpose.If we do not fulfill the purpose of God,then we are messing up our life and if we do so,somebody else on the other end is being warmed up for the fulfillment of the purpose of God.
It is made more evident as we read Esther 4:14 “For if you remain silent at this time,relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”
What is required to fulfill the purpose of God?
Psalms 27:4 says ‘ One thing I ask of the Lord,this is what I seek:that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
Here we can see that david asking for only ‘One thing’ to the Lord and not only asking but earnestly seeking after it.David was a man of one thing. Only a person with one vision,one purpose and one goal can serve the Lord effectively; gathering all resources and investing all energy for attaining that goal.
- David was a man of one thing.
- He earnestly sought after it.
In the New Testament,in Luke 10:42, It is written ‘ but only one thing is needed,Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not betaken away from her. Here also,the importance of ‘One thing is emphasized’. One thing means the purpose of God in your life.
Many people desire but the truth is that desire alone is not enough. David had a desire and he sought after it.You must have a desire and you must seek it and work alongside in the power of Jesus Christ to get it fulfilled. Jesus never helps a mere dreamer but he extends His strength and favour to the one who sets out to get the dream fulfilled. You may not see a favourable situation when you are just beginning. But as you trust in God and voluntarily take the steps, you will see the hand of God leading you through.
Many a times we misunderstand zeal as a mere burning desire but zeal is desire in action or rather the action initiated and driven to see the desire fulfilled.To sum up,let me remind you that having a dream is a great thing but if we work for it to be fulfilled,then you will see its fulfillment and it will be Even Greater! Proverbs says in 12:11 that ‘He who works his land will have abundant food but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment.
So let us all take a moment and kneel before God the Father and commit ourselves for His purpose to be fulfilled through us for this generation.
Let us pray this simple prayer,
Father,In the name of Jesus Christ you Son,we bow before you with grateful hearts. Thank you that you have chosen us to be witnesses for you in such a time as this.We know that your purpose for us is great and beyond human comprehension. Today,we commit ourselves before you for your will to be accomplished though us for this generation.If we have wandered away from your will,we pray that take us back into your will and guide us in the right way. May your name alone be glorified.