Friday, August 28, 2009

Greetings in the wonderful name of Lord Jesus Christ.

Yesterday was my lasy day of ministering in Jesus festival. The Lord put in my heart to teach on COURAGE TO FACE CRISIS. It was wonderful to see the Lord setting His people free. Now leaving for South Hampton to teach in conferene WALK IN SPIRIT. WALK IN POWER. The conference is on sat, 29th and sunday 30th. Then we leave for Dubai for MIRACLE EXPLOSION ON 4th Sep. Please do pray. Love you. Jesus is Lord

In Lord Jesus Christ
Evangelist Ram Babu


  1. Hi
    I am so blessed through you and are so glad and happy to know you.From the bottom of my heart I thank God for that.
    I saw you on Facebook it was very nice to see you.
    Please remember me whereever you are and keep me in your prayers.I also remember you and pray for you.Take care and may God bless you.

    With lots of love

  2. Hello Brother in Christ,
    Kindly write again in this spot.
    Let us grow in wisdom of Jesus Christ thro interactions.I attended your mtngs in Kochi(Jan 1&2nd,2011).
    thank you
    Praise Jesus
