Saturday, February 21, 2009

Live your Dream

My dear friends and partners in Christ Jesus,

Acts 13: 36 says ‘’ For when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation,he fell asleep….

Let us take a closer look on the above Verse.It says that after serving the Purpose of God in his own generation,he fell asleep. David served the purpose of God and he died.God had a purpose for david and it was for that generation. David fulfilled that purpose of God and died. For the past times and centuries,God raised many people for His purpose to be fulfilled in those times. But Today,in this generation,only you can fulfill the purpose of God!

God has chosen you in this generation for a purpose and He needs you to fulfill that purpose.If God wanted you to fulfill a purpose in the 18th century,He would have let you born then.But the reason God has placed you in this generation is that He has a purpose to be fulfilled through you in this generation.

Purpose is the key for everything and everyone.Without purpose life is futile and is aimlessly spending our time in vain. Purpose drives passion in us and propels us through all situations to achieve the dream.Let me portrait a small picture which will help you to understand this more.

Imagine a typical football match progressing with tens of thousands watching in the stadium, millions watching live via television broadcast, teams running after the football but without goalposts on either side.They will be without a purpose which will be a waste of time,money and energy.That is what happens when we are without a purpose in our life.

God has destined a purpose for each and everyone of us.If we do not press on in the power of the Holy Spirit for its fulfillment, then we ourselves are the ultimate losers. If we don’t yield for God’s purpose to be fulfilled through us,God is able to raise up another person for that purpose.If we do not fulfill the purpose of God,then we are messing up our life and if we do so,somebody else on the other end is being warmed up for the fulfillment of the purpose of God.

It is made more evident as we read Esther 4:14 “For if you remain silent at this time,relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”

What is required to fulfill the purpose of God?

Psalms 27:4 says ‘ One thing I ask of the Lord,this is what I seek:that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.

Here we can see that david asking for only ‘One thing’ to the Lord and not only asking but earnestly seeking after it.David was a man of one thing. Only a person with one vision,one purpose and one goal can serve the Lord effectively; gathering all resources and investing all energy for attaining that goal.


  1. David was a man of one thing.
  2. He earnestly sought after it.

In the New Testament,in Luke 10:42, It is written ‘ but only one thing is needed,Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not betaken away from her. Here also,the importance of ‘One thing is emphasized’. One thing means the purpose of God in your life.

Many people desire but the truth is that desire alone is not enough. David had a desire and he sought after it.You must have a desire and you must seek it and work alongside in the power of Jesus Christ to get it fulfilled. Jesus never helps a mere dreamer but he extends His strength and favour to the one who sets out to get the dream fulfilled. You may not see a favourable situation when you are just beginning. But as you trust in God and voluntarily take the steps, you will see the hand of God leading you through.

Many a times we misunderstand zeal as a mere burning desire but zeal is desire in action or rather the action initiated and driven to see the desire fulfilled.To sum up,let me remind you that having a dream is a great thing but if we work for it to be fulfilled,then you will see its fulfillment and it will be Even Greater! Proverbs says in 12:11 that ‘He who works his land will have abundant food but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment.
So let us all take a moment and kneel before God the Father and commit ourselves for His purpose to be fulfilled through us for this generation.

Let us pray this simple prayer,

Father,In the name of Jesus Christ you Son,we bow before you with grateful hearts. Thank you that you have chosen us to be witnesses for you in such a time as this.We know that your purpose for us is great and beyond human comprehension. Today,we commit ourselves before you for your will to be accomplished though us for this generation.If we have wandered away from your will,we pray that take us back into your will and guide us in the right way. May your name alone be glorified.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

New Creation Ministries : The ministry of Evangelist Ram Babu

New Creation Ministries is a ministry that takes the gospel of Lord Jesus to the entire world.New Creation Ministries has a strong vision to win one million souls each year through conducting crusades at our own expenses or by the invitation of the local church and the saved to be the part of the local church.New Creation Ministries is reaching out with the teaching of the Lord Jesus to all the nations through tapes, magazines & books.
Bro Ram Babu is the founder president of New Creation Ministries which is being used by the Lord Jesus to literally transform millions to become His new creations.Out standing healings,signs and wonders happen through the ministry of Bro Ram Babu which attests the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ram Babu is always passionate in preaching Jesus especially in places where others dare not to go.He is a much sought after evangelist and conference speaker.Having gone to over 30 nations till now,Bro Ram Babu is pressing on to see the nations saved and changed.

God Honours those who serve Him

My dear friends and partners in Christ Jesus,

John 12:26 says, ‘Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am,my servant also will be .My Father will honour the one who serves me.
Let me share a truth with you, rather a secret with my precious friends and partners in Christ Jesus. God loves everyone –the weak and the strong,rich and the poor,young and the old,irrespective of and crossing all man made boundaries of caste,creed,colour and language. But there are some people about whom Jesus said that He will honour them. They are the people who serve God! There is no second thought for the truth that God will honour those who serve Him.
Many a times,people think that only poor people tend to serve God and yet so many others consider that serving God is despicable.But I tell you that, serving God is an honour. There is no greater honour than serving the living God Jesus Christ.
Let me take you to one of the scripture portions.Stephen when about to die said in Acts 3:56 “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”. In the book of Hebrews and Mark,we read that Jesus sat at the right hand of God but the above instance in the only place in New Testament where we read that ‘Jesus standing’. God honours His servants to that extent!
Today whatsoever happens to you,whatever challenges you face and which ever situations you are passing through,know the truth that God honours you and He will honour you in a way that all men can see. When God honours and recognizes you,people too will start to honour and recognize you.
In the book of Esther,we read about Haman’s plot to Kill Mordecai and all the jews. Every preparation was made to hang Mordecai but the night before that,King Xerxes could not sleep.So he ordered the book of the chronicles,the record of his reign to be brought in and read to him.In that he found that Mordecai exposed the plan of two men who had conspired to assassinate the king.The king found that no reward was given for this life saving act of mordecai. Hence the king not only spared Mordecai’s life but also honoured him and put an end to his enemy Haman. When a king wants to honour a man,all men will see that in public.It becomes evident to all people.
God remembers all that you have done for Him in the exact time.Many men of God thinks that ‘I did so many good things for God,endured numerous hardships and sacrifices but I see no change in my life’; they think that God has forgotten them and the works they have done.But I tell you,my dear co-believers,God will not forget and He cannot forget what you have done for Him.
God puts all your works for Him in the book of remembrance and will reveal the reward at the exact time.God remembered the deed of Mordecai at the exact time and rewarded him. You may not know the exact and crucial time for you but God knows it and will protect you from all evils at that time. God not only protects,He honours too.
This is what the Lord God speaks to you’ Do not think that I have forgotten all that you have done for me and I’ve forgotten to reward you.I have the reward for the right time.That will be your promotion time’.So this year,God will promote and reward you from the place you have endured shame .So be bold,strong,courageous and serve the Lord without giving up.
1 Corinthians 15:58 says ‘Therefore,my dear brothers, stand firm.Let nothing move you.Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord,because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.Do not give up on any circumstances and oppositions.There is certainly a way out of that through Jesus Christ. He Himself is the way.Press on.Your time of promotion has come.
1 Peter 5:6 says ‘ Humble yourselves ,therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. The above verse says ‘…Under God’s mighty hand’ so that He may lift you in due time. Your due time has come and He will lift you up beyond your thinking. Stand close by Jesus Christ.

Your partner in the Great Harvest
Evangelist Ram Babu

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Message for 2009

My Dear Partners and Friends,

As we have entered the new year pushing back 2008,I would like to share a message to you which I hope will be of great encouragement for you.
Let me share a few verses with you. Joshua 1: 1,2 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord,the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun,Moses’ assistant : “Moses my servant is dead. Now then,you and all these people,get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them-to the Israelites. After the death of Moses who led the Israelites out of Egypt, the people were staggering as they did not know what to do next.Even Joshua was in the same perplexed situation. He was looking to the old glorious days of Moses. In fact he was living in the memories of the past.By looking unto the past,they missed to focus on the future and forgot their calling.
Let me tell you my dear fellow believers,Moses is past ! Moses is dead,Elijah is dead,Elisha is dead. They cannot do anything in the present day. They are all history now! But there is someone who can do something today! That is you by the grace of Lord Jesus Christ.
The second verse says, Now Then you….Enough of time that is wasted on the memories of the past..Now you have to recognize the calling and voice of God and rise up.
God is not a God of the past or yesterday.God is the God of today and the present. Present is the gift of God.Yesterday is history and future is a mystery.Today is the gift of God!! May be 2008 was a year of troubles and tribulations for you.It must have been a year of pains,sorrows, tears and sickness. But a new year has dawn! It is high time to shed the painful memories of the past. Even if you had some great experiences in 2008,do not limit our Lord God in 2009 with that.Expect even greater in these days to come.
Today,God wants to tell to each of us that let go the past,Today is the day that I Am raising people,today is the day that I Am anointing people. So Get up and march ahead in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Once when I was in England,a few of my friends took me to a tree where John Wesley preached his last sermon.I saw a board which said the same information. I said to myself ‘John Wesley is dead,Now I have to arise’. It is time for the people of God to say that ‘God is the God of today’!
God is the God of now. When moses asked God’ who are you? God said ‘I AM WHO I AM’. He did not say ‘I was’ nor did God say ‘I will’. God said ‘I Am’. In New Testament it is written’ I am the way,the Truth and the Life. God is the God of Today.
Let me encourage you to look 2009 for greater glory,greater blessings and greater works of God.In heaven,there are no refrigerators.2008 is dead and know what is waiting and who is waiting for you in 2009.Present is a gift of God.Do not ruin it by looking to the past nor be worried by thinking what will happen to you in future. Jesus has the best in store for you.He will lead you safely and will cause only good to happen to you.
So rise up and go by cutting the ropes of yesterday.Live today victoriously with the Lord Jesus Christ and press on towards a glorious future.

Your Partner in the Great Harvest

Evangelist Ram Babu